Cell Regenerative Therapy
Revival own Dormant Stem Cells
Revive the Vitality of Cell
The Uttwiler Satlauber is an old Swiss variety, which is very rare today. It was known for its exceptional capacity to keep for long period but gradually lost its popularity to sweet apples because of its bitter taste. As the apple coulf be stored for a long time without becoming shriveled or losing flavour, it clearly had special ingredient and long-lived stem cells. These longevity factors were of particularly interest the researchers of Biochemistry.
Human body accumulation of large amount of free radicals and radiation which have eroded cell membranes resulting decline in functions of the organs. Apple Cell Therapy are rich in phyto-nutrients which has the ability to repair damaged cells and promote regeneration of cells and delay aging process.
How many treatments will I need?
Results from Apple Cell Therapy can be lasting. This regenerative treatment help your cells to regrow and renew, thus a new life cycle for new cell is created. This delays the overall aging process. Your new skin cells provides you a younger and better skin and face which will last as long as you maintain it well.